3 reasons to choose Microsoft Azure as a cloud platform

Cloud computing is a hot topic in the world of hosting. In response, technology giant Microsoft created Microsoft Azure: one of the most powerful cloud platforms available today, and which offers comprehensive set of services. Each month, the platform welcomes 120,000 new customers. If 90% of all Fortune 500 companies have already made the switch, what are you waiting for?

If you opt for cloud hosting, your data and applications will be stored on servers in external data centers that are accessible via the internet. Cloud hosting is based on the concept of ‘virtualization’,”with physical servers located in data centers creating multiple virtual servers on which your data is stored. 

Why opt for the cloud?

More and more businesses today opt for cloud hosting for many different reasons. The main advantage? Fast access to your data: all you need is an internet connection to have your data at your fingertips anywhere and on any device. Moreover, you will also save time and money. After all, there is no need to invest in the purchase and management of your own hardware. Finally, a cloud solution is a flexible, scalable system. If you need more storage capacity or processing power, your provider can offer it almost instantly.

Why opt for Microsoft Azure?

1. From IaaS to PaaS in no time

Microsoft Azure offers a combination of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and a platform-as-a- service (PaaS). In an IaaS model, you can conveniently outsource services like virtualization, data storage, and load balancing. Do you want to independently develop new applications or expand your system with existing applications? If so, you can count on professional assistance from ASPEX for a problem-free transition to the PaaS model.

2. Strong security

Are you worried about the security of cloud solutions? Microsoft uses the latest security technology and applications to protect its Azure infrastructure. A team of experts regularly subjects the environment and tools to simulated attacks to enable the system in order to recognize real attacks better and faster.

3. Pay as you go

Microsoft adopts a ‘pay-per-use’ policy. In concrete terms, this means that Microsoft will only charge you for what you actually use. If you decide to reduce the number of servers you are using halfway through the month, you will also effectively pay a lower price.

Ready to take the next step?

Read here about how we can guide you to the cloud. If you have any questions or need more information, get in touch with our experts, free of obligation. 

Written on April 19 by

Wets Micha

As a Microsoft MVP, Micha enjoys talking about all things IT and has already spoken at various conferences like MS Inspire, Cloudbrew, MS Ignite The Tour & other User Group events. He has over ten years of experience as a DevOps engineer and has in-depth knowledge of private, hybrid and public clouds. Micha is a Technology Strategist at ASPEX, a Cloud Service Provider, and works closely with Microsoft on Azure, RDS & WVD (RDmi)

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